Fortran + paraviewで可視化https://t.co/wshZJxkXN6 https://t.co/E0UwbhE8Tq pic.twitter.com/yxecwcSj1J
— カマキリ🐲Python頑張る昆虫 (@t_kun_kamakiri) April 20, 2022
バーンズリーのシダ(Barnsley fern)は、イギリスの数学者マイケル・バーンズリーにちなんで名づけられたフラクタル構造を持つセイヨウメシダですね。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 | program main implicit none integer, parameter :: Nmax=500000, Nx=512, Ny=512 double precision, parameter :: Lx=6.d0, Ly=6.d0, dx=Lx/dble(Nx), dy=Ly/dble(Ny) complex(kind(0d0)), parameter :: uso=(0.d0,1.d0) integer :: i, j, n, m, ix, iy real(kind=8)::random_value double precision:: x, y double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: x_, y_ double precision, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: f character(len=40) filename call system("mkdir data") ! 配列の割付 allocate(x_(0:Nx-1), y_(0:Ny-1)) allocate(f(0:Nx-1,0:Ny-1)) m = 0 ! x, y座標 x = 0 y = 0 do i=0, Nmax call random_seed !乱数の初期値 call random_number(random_value) ! 座標変換 if (0<= random_value .and. random_value<0.01) then x = 0.d0 y = 0.16d0*y ix = int(Nx/2 + x*Nx/10) iy = int(y * Ny /12) f(ix,iy) = 1.0d0 else if (0.01d0<= random_value .and. random_value<0.86d0) then x = 0.85*x + 0.04d0*y y = -0.04d0*x + 0.85d0*y +1.6d0 ix = int(Nx/2 + x*Nx/10) iy = int(y * Ny /12) f(ix,iy) = 1.0d0 else if(0.86d0<= random_value .and. random_value<0.93d0) then x = 0.2d0*x - 0.26d0*y y = 0.23d0*x + 0.22d0*y +1.6d0 ix = int(Nx/2 + x*Nx/10) iy = int(y * Ny /12) f(ix,iy) = 1.0d0 else x =-0.15d0*x + 0.28d0*y y = 0.26d0*x + 0.24d0*y +0.44d0 ix = int(Nx/2 + x*Nx/10) iy = int(y * Ny /12) f(ix,iy) = 1.0d0 end if end do !座標生成 do i=0,Nx-1 x_(i) = -Lx/2.d0+dx*dble(i) y_(i) = -Ly/2.d0+dy*dble(i) end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !output of movie file write(filename,"(a,i5.5,a)") "data/barsley_",int(m),".vtk" open(10,file=filename) write(10,"('# vtk DataFile Version 3.0')") write(10,"('test')") write(10,"('ASCII ')") write(10,"('DATASET STRUCTURED_GRID')") write(10,"('DIMENSIONS ',3(1x,i3))") Nx, Ny, 1 write(10,"('POINTS ',i9,' float')") Nx*Ny*1 do j=0,Ny-1 do i=0,Nx-1 write(10,"(3(f9.4,1x))") x_(i), y_(j), 0.d0 end do end do write(10,"('POINT_DATA ',i9)") Nx*Ny*1 !date input write(10,"('SCALARS julia float')") write(10,"('LOOKUP_TABLE default')") do j=0,Ny-1 do i=0,Nx-1 write(10,*) f(i,j) end do end do close(10) deallocate(x_, y_, f) end program main |
1 | call random_number(random_value) |
これによりrandom_valueには 0から1までの実数の乱数が一様分布で出現します。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | ! 座標変換 if (0<= random_value .and. random_value<0.01) then x = 0.d0 y = 0.16d0*y ix = int(Nx/2 + x*Nx/10) iy = int(y * Ny /12) f(ix,iy) = 1.0d0 else if (0.01d0<= random_value .and. random_value<0.86d0) then x = 0.85*x + 0.04d0*y y = -0.04d0*x + 0.85d0*y +1.6d0 ix = int(Nx/2 + x*Nx/10) iy = int(y * Ny /12) f(ix,iy) = 1.0d0 else if(0.86d0<= random_value .and. random_value<0.93d0) then x = 0.2d0*x - 0.26d0*y y = 0.23d0*x + 0.22d0*y +1.6d0 ix = int(Nx/2 + x*Nx/10) iy = int(y * Ny /12) f(ix,iy) = 1.0d0 else x =-0.15d0*x + 0.28d0*y y = 0.26d0*x + 0.24d0*y +0.44d0 ix = int(Nx/2 + x*Nx/10) iy = int(y * Ny /12) f(ix,iy) = 1.0d0 end if |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 | program main implicit none integer, parameter :: Nmax=500000, Nx=512, Ny=512 double precision, parameter :: Lx=6.d0, Ly=6.d0, dx=Lx/dble(Nx), dy=Ly/dble(Ny) complex(kind(0d0)), parameter :: uso=(0.d0,1.d0) integer :: i, j, n, m, ix, iy real(kind=8)::random_value double precision:: x, y double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: x_, y_ double precision, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: f character(len=40) filename call system("mkdir data") ! 配列の割付 allocate(x_(0:Nx-1), y_(0:Ny-1)) allocate(f(0:Nx-1,0:Ny-1)) m = 0 ! x, y座標 x = 0 y = 0 !座標生成 do i=0,Nx-1 x_(i) = -Lx/2.d0+dx*dble(i) y_(i) = -Ly/2.d0+dy*dble(i) end do do m=0, Nmax call random_seed !乱数の初期値 call random_number(random_value) ! 座標変換 if (0<= random_value .and. random_value<0.01) then x = 0.d0 y = 0.16d0*y ix = int(Nx/2 + x*Nx/10) iy = int(y * Ny /12) f(ix,iy) = 1.0d0 else if (0.01d0<= random_value .and. random_value<0.86d0) then x = 0.85*x + 0.04d0*y y = -0.04d0*x + 0.85d0*y +1.6d0 ix = int(Nx/2 + x*Nx/10) iy = int(y * Ny /12) f(ix,iy) = 1.0d0 else if(0.86d0<= random_value .and. random_value<0.93d0) then x = 0.2d0*x - 0.26d0*y y = 0.23d0*x + 0.22d0*y +1.6d0 ix = int(Nx/2 + x*Nx/10) iy = int(y * Ny /12) f(ix,iy) = 1.0d0 else x =-0.15d0*x + 0.28d0*y y = 0.26d0*x + 0.24d0*y +0.44d0 ix = int(Nx/2 + x*Nx/10) iy = int(y * Ny /12) f(ix,iy) = 1.0d0 end if !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !output of movie file if ( mod(m,1000)==0 ) then write(filename,"(a,i5.5,a)") "data/barsley_",int(m),".vtk" open(10,file=filename) write(10,"('# vtk DataFile Version 3.0')") write(10,"('test')") write(10,"('ASCII ')") write(10,"('DATASET STRUCTURED_GRID')") write(10,"('DIMENSIONS ',3(1x,i3))") Nx, Ny, 1 write(10,"('POINTS ',i9,' float')") Nx*Ny*1 do j=0,Ny-1 do i=0,Nx-1 write(10,"(3(f9.4,1x))") x_(i), y_(j), 0.d0 end do end do write(10,"('POINT_DATA ',i9)") Nx*Ny*1 !date input write(10,"('SCALARS barsley float')") write(10,"('LOOKUP_TABLE default')") do j=0,Ny-1 do i=0,Nx-1 write(10,*) f(i,j) end do end do close(10) end if end do ! メモリの解放 deallocate(x_, y_, f) end program main |